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Mobile Used Car Marketplace Peach Launches in Kenya

当社子会社Cordia Directions, Ltd.(ナイロビ)は、2020年10月1日に、オンラインP2Pマーケットプレイスアプリ「Peach」をリリースいたしました。

Key features of Peach:

Buy and sell in seconds: With Mercari’s easy and intuitive interface, users can list and buy itens in no time.

Free to Use: Users can list items for free. Mercari takes no commission from the sales.

Sell anything: Unlike niche shopping destinations, Mercari offers items ranging from fashion, electronics, jewelry, console games, new, pre-owned and hand-made items.

Easy Shipping: Mercari’s built-in shipping feature is as easy as it gets – users can simply print out a shipping label and drop it in the mail.

Safe transactions: Mercari provides the escrow service, where it holds the money and will not release the payment to the seller until the buyer confirms receiving the item, providing a safe transaction for consumers.

Buyer Guarantee: Mercari handles the process end-to-end, notifying the users when the item is shipped – and covering the cost if user does not receive the item.

Rating System: Mercari’s rating system for both buyers and sellers generates a feedback loop that holds the community accountable for honest, fair transactions.

The Peach app is available to download for both iOS and Android:

Apple AppStore:

Google Play:

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